Never had I imagined that I would hear the words "you have cancer". I had heard the stories through my mother of how my grandmother and aunt had both died of Breast cancer. They both died at a very young age. Here I was, a single mother of 2 boys being told that I had breast cancer.
Telling my family, was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. My mother's reaction was more than any of us could take. I wished that somehow I could make it not true, if only to take away her pain. But, because of seeing how much pain this caused my mother, my children and my family, I knew then that I needed to do whatever it took to fight this horrible disease.
I did just that!!! I had a double mastectomy and a total hysterectomy. It was a long and painful procedure, which took more mental healing than physical. I found myself needing to find whatever means possible to heal not only my body, but my mind. I travelled, started juicing (wheatgrass), exercising more, and attended Hipprocates Health Institute. This is where I discovered my ability to throw away my fear of not being accepted as a woman. I had the opportunity to show myself to a room full of people who accepted my scars and made me feel beautiful again.
I wrote my article because I was so touched by the acceptance and the new power I felt through this acceptance. I became a new woman!! Stronger and in a position to help other women find their empowerment.
I hope through my article and the posts on this blog, that I will somehow help all those who have been touched by cancer. More than this I want to touch and affect the lives of all women and those that love them. This is our time to find our power!! Time has come for us to know who we are and to love ourselves regardless of our physical appearance. Regardless of our social standing!! Regardless of what we have been told to think and feel about ourselves!!
I am available for speaking engagements of all kinds. I also invite you to contact me through email or phone.
With much love, I send my best regards and hope to hear from you soon.